Morre o escritor Ken Kesey, o condutor da contracultura

Morre o escritor Ken Kesey, o condutor da contracultura
da Folha de S.Paulo

12 nov. / 2001 - Jack Kerouac talvez tenha despejado os primeiros quilos de asfalto, mas o autor de "On the Road" não viveria para ver onde levariam as estradas da contracultura. Foi-se em outubro de 1969, com alucinações de Woodstock, de agosto daquele ano, ainda sobrevoando território americano.

Ninguém pode precisar quem terminou a pavimentação, talvez porque a estrada da contracultura tenha se perdido no meio de suas pistas vicinais. Mas poucos dos que pegaram esses caminhos negariam que o grande mestre-de-obras se chamava Ken Kesey.

Chamava-se. Kesey morreu no sábado passado. "Morreu pacificamente no seu sono, com a família ao lado", como descreveu a enfermeira-chefe do hospital de Eugene (Oregon, EUA), onde ele lutava contra um câncer no fígado.

O escritor, que cumpria a rota dos 66 anos, não era o último passageiro. Depois que Gregory Corso se foi no início de 2001, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 82, carrega pelas ruas de San Francisco o rótulo de "o último Beat" .

Mas se Ferlinghetti já permanecia como o remanescente da Geração Beat, Kesey era a testemunha da passagem do sexo, cocaína e jazz, dos Beats, para o sexo, LSD e rock'n'roll dos hippies.

Ele mesmo começou a construção dessa ponte. Em 1957, enquanto Kerouac lançava seu "On the Road", Kesey se alistava para receber os US$ 75 que a CIA pagava a estudantes de Stanford para participar de experiências com o pouco conhecido LSD.

Do LSD, ele iria ao hospício. Por conta própria. Inscreveu-se, em troca de mais experiências (e dólares), para ser monitor de uma instituição mental em San Francisco. Ali achou o substrato de seu romance "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" ("Um Estranho no Ninho",  disponível em português), de 62.

O livro fez sucesso nas livrarias, no teatro e explodiu quando Milos Forman o levou ao cinema em 1975 e tirou do ninho os cinco Oscar principais, incluído o de ator, ao melhor Jack Nicholson.

Quando escreveu seu segundo romance, em 64, Kesey foi convocado a autografar em Nova York. Juntou um bando de amigos e um belo farnel de LSD diluído em suco de laranja, comprou um ônibus escolar feito em 1939, batizado de Adiante (Further), e foi.

Narrada por Tom Wolfe em "O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico", essa viagem seria para a contracultura o que a jornada de Ulisses a Ítaca fora para a civilização clássica. Nesse ônibus que viajou EUA adentro fazendo testes com LSD ao som de Grateful Dead, Kesey germinou alguns dos maiores pesadelos para o "sonho americano". Ken Kesey morreu quando outro sonho começava a nascer.

Ken Kesey Viagens de ônibus


Selected Bibliography for Ken Kesey

Compiled by Martin Blank

I. Writings and Other Works


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Viking, 1962.
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (Viking Critical Edition, edited by John C. Pratt), Viking, 1973.

Sometimes a Great Notion, Viking, 1964.

Kesey's Garage Sale, Viking, 1973.

Kesey, Northwest Review of Books, 1977 (Edited by Michael Strelow).

The Day After Superman Died, Lord John Press, 1980.

Demon Box, Viking, 1986.

The Further Inquiry, Viking, 1990.

Caverns (by O.U. Levon, a joint pseudonym for Robert Bluckner, Ben Bochner, James Finley, Jeff Forester, Bennett Huffman, Lynn Jeffress, Ken Kesey, Neil Lindstrom, H. Highwater Powers, Jane Sather, Charles Varani, Meredith Wadley, Lidia Yukman, and Ken Zimmerman), Penguin, 1990. (Author of introduction.)

Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear, Viking 1990.

The Sea Lion, Viking, 1991.

Sailor Song, Viking, 1992.

Last Round Up, (with Ken Babbs), Viking, 1994.

Plays/Performance Art:

Twister, 1994.

Books contributed to or edited by:

Last Whole Earth Catalog, Portola Institute, 1971, (Contributor).
Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, Portola Institute, 1971 (Editor with Paul Krassner and contributor).

Best of The Realist: The Sixties Most Outrageously Irreverent Magazine, Running Press, 1984, (Author of introduction).

The Hog Farm and Friends, Wavy Gravy as told to Hugh Romney and vice versa, Links, 1974. (Foreword by Ken Kesey).

Articles/Stories by Ken Kesey:

"Abdul and Ebenezer, Esquire, March 1976. Reprinted in Demon Box.
"A Tape Stolen from Ken Kesey's Workhouse," Genesis West, 1965.

"Blows to the Spirit: A Dialogue Between Ken Kesey and Robert Stone," Esquire, June 1986.

"Burying Jed," CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer, 1984.

"Celebrities on Pot," High Times, May 1994. (Kesey is one of those quoted in the magazine's 20th anniversary issue).

"Cut the Motherfuckers Loose, Last Whole Earth Catalog, Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"Dream of Jeannie," Esquire, August 1984. (Early Excerpt of Sailor Song).

"Excerpts from Kesey's Jail Diary," Ramparts, November 1967.

"Finding Dr. Fung," Rolling Stone, April 15, 1982.

"Filipino Food," The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog.

"Flower Power Revisited," People Weekly, June 22, 1987. (Kesey is one of a number of people quoted in a special feature about the Summer of Love).

"Get Off First, Finish Tough, and Get Away Clean," Esquire, October 1993.

"Is There any End to Kerouac Highway," Esquire, December 1983.

"I've Used Cornstarch on my balls for years!" The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog," Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"Loss of Innocence," Newsweek, November 29, 1983. Kesey's thoughts on the assassination of JFK.

"Mantras," The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog," Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"McMurphy and the Machine," Stanford Short Stories, Stanford University Press, 1962.

"Merry Prankster in Alaska, Northern Notes for Ken Kesey's New Novel," Life, November 1982.

"Now We Know How Many Holes it Takes to Fill the Albert Hall," Rolling Stone, March 5, 1981.

"Over the Border," Act III, Scene 1, Oui, April 1973.

"Remember This: Write What You Don't Know," The New York Times Book Review, December 31, 1989.

"Running Into the Great Wall," Running, February 1982. Reprinted in Demon Box.

"Snake Oil & the Farmers," Rolling Stone, July 18, 1974.

"The Bend in the River Council," Rolling Stone, July 18, 1974.

"The Bible," Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"The Blue-Ribbon American Beauty Rose of Rodeo," Esquire, June 1985. (Early version of the Last Go Round).

"The Day After Superman Died," Esquire, October 1979.

"The First Sunday in September," Northwest Review, Fall 1957.

"The I-Ching," The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog," Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"The Search for the Secret Pyramid," with the Rev. Charles Perry, Rolling Stone. (This was a five-part series - "The Search for the Secret Pyramid," "Ramadan," "Inside the Throne of God," "Down the Tombs of Taurus Where They are Mad Upon Their Images," and "Final Episode: Whither the Stone Heart," - that ran in consecutive issues from November 21, 1974-February 13, 1975) (Reprinted in Demon Box).

"Tools From My Chest," The Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, Portola Institute, 1971. (Reprinted in Garage Sale).

"You Probably Think this Song is About You," Oui, April 1973.

Journals (Edited By and Contributed To):

Spit in the Ocean (Vols. 1-6), Intrepid Trips Information Service.

Works Edited By:

Old in the Streets, Intrepid Trips Information Service, 1974.

Books/Stories on Tape (Read by Ken Kesey):

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Last Go Round.


The Hogs Are Coming.

The Lennon Story: Now We Know How Many Holes it Takes to Fill the Albert Hall.

Abdul and Ebenezer.


The Sea Lion.

Audiotapes of Ken Kesey's Works Read by Someone Else:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Kingsley Widmer (lecturer), Everett/Edwards, 1971.

Adaptations of Ken Kesey's Work:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a play in three acts, Dale Wasserman, 1970.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a play in two acts, Dale Wasserman, 1970.

Ballet based on Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear. Performance by the Eugene Ballet Company.

Films/Videos By or Featuring Ken Kesey:

The Merry Pranksters.
Still Kesey.

Poetic Hoohaw.

Abdul and Ebenezer.

The Acid Test.

Use Your Brain by Timothy Leary (Introduction by Ken Kesey).


"Excerpts Recorded from an Informal Address by Mr. Kesey to the Parents at Crystal Springs School in Hillsborough, California. Presented under the auspices of The Chrysalis West Foundation, Genesis West, 1965.
Lecture to class on "The 1960s: Counterculture and Protest," Indiana State University, November 11, 1994.

Network Television Appearances:

"Tomorrow Show" with Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir, 1980.
"Later with Bob Costas," 1992.

Published Letters from Ken Kesey:

"A Letter From the Coburg Hills," Eugene Register-Guard, 1971.
"An Open Letter to Timothy Leary from Ken Kesey," Rolling Stone, November 12, 1970.

"Correspondence," TriQuarterly, Spring 1970 (Reprinted in Garage Sale as "Letter to Laurence Gonzales").

"Letter to Ken Babbs" ("People on the Ward") appears in the Viking Critical Edition of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

"Letter to Ken Babbs" ("Peyote and Point of View") appears in the Viking Critical Edition of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

"Letters and Short Pieces," The Free You, 1968. (One piece, "Exercises in Creation" is reprinted in Garage Sale).

"Letters from Mexico" with an introduction by Ed McClanahan, Ararat, 1967. McClanahan's introduction and three of the letters are reprinted in The Single Voice: An Anthology of Contemporary Fiction, ed. Jerome Charyn, 1969. Several of the letters also are printed in The Naked I: Fictions for the Seventies, compiled by Frederick Robert Karl, 1971.

"Some of a Letter from Ken Kesey," The Last Whole Earth Catalog.

Films made from Ken Kesey's Novels:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Sometimes a Great Notion.

Film Appearances by Ken Kesey:

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.

Acid Tests:

1965: December 4
Big Nig's House, San Jose
December 11
Muir Beach Lodge
December 18
The Big Beat Club, San Jose

1966: January ??
Portland January 8
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco January 22-23
Trips Festival, Longshoreman's Hall, San Francisco. January 29
Sound City Studios, San Francisco
February 11
Youth Opportunities Center, Compton (Watts Acid Test)
February ??
Los Angeles (Sunset Acid Test) April 5
Los Angeles (Pico Acid Test) October 2
San Francisco State University Cafeteria October 31
Acid Test Graduation


The Acid Test, Sun City Sound.

Interviews with Ken Kesey:

"A Brief Discourse by Ken Kesey," Pacifica Radio Archives, 1975.
"A Different Concert Consciousness: An Interview With Ken Kesey," Johnny Dwork, Dupree's Diamond News.

"An Impolite Interview with Ken Kesey," The Realist, 1971. Reprinted in Garage Sale.

"Collaboration in the Writing Classroom: An Interview With Ken Kesey," Carolyn Knox-Quinn, College Composition and Communication, October 1990.

"Culture Hero: Ken Kesey," Malcolm Cook, High Times.

"Inching Back Into Action," Dick Gaik, Good Times, February 5, 1970.

"Kesey Calls for Sanity," View From the Bottom, June 20, 1970.

"Ken Kesey at NDEA," Pacifica Radio Archives, 1966.

"Ken Kesey's Writing Classroom: Computer-Aided Apprenticeship," Carolyn Knox- Quinn, Writing Notebook, September-October 1989.

"Once a Great Notion," Ann Arbor Argus, 1970. Reprinted in Garage Sale.

"Summing Up The '60s, Sizing Up the '70s," Linda Gaboriau, Crawdaddy, December 1972.

"The Art of Fiction: Ken Kesey," Robert Faggen, The Paris Review, Spring '94.

"The Great American Hollow," Robert Faggen, Paris Review, Spring 1994. (Excerpted in Harper's magazine August 1994).

"The Ken Kesey Movie," Michael Goodwin, Rolling Stone, March 7, 1970.

"What the Hell You Looking in Here for Daisy Mae?" Gordon Lish, Genesis West, 1963.

Unpublished Novels:

End of Autumn.


A collection of Kesey's manuscripts, along with notes, letters, drawings, and tapes, is housed at the University of Oregon. Collection includes:
o Phone conversation of December 14, 1971, reported by E.D. Webber in "Keepin' on the Bounce: A Study of Ken Kesey as a Distinctively American Novelist," an unpublished thesis.

o "A Big Motherfucker"

II. Articles About Ken Kesey

"A '60s Superhero After the Acid Test," The Washington Post, June 9, 1974.

"A Social History of the Hippies," Ramparts, Warren Hinkle, March 1967.

"Alone With Ken Kesey Talk Turns to Buses," Robert Lipsyte, New York Times, November 22, 1991.

"An Even Greater Notion," article in a student newspaper from a college in Missouri.

"And They Said Ken Kesey Would Never Write Again" Donovan Bess, Ramparts, November 1967. (Accompanied by excerpts from Kesey's jail diary.)

"Fables Without Morals," The Realist, Lee Quarnstrom, 1972.

"For All Kesey Freaks," College Press Service, October 28, 1970.

"Hippy Logic," an Internet column by Mark Amerika.

"Ken Kesey's Classroom Corrective: Or, How to Free the Cuckoos...," Joseph Milner, English Journal, 64; 7; 34-37.

Ken Kesey's Eclectic Writing Acid Test," David Weddle, Rolling Stone, October 5, 1989.

"Ken Kesey: Gonzo in Oregon," chapter in Profiles of Oregon by Suzy Boss.

"Ken Kesey Kisses No Ass," Chip Brown, Esquire, September 1992.

"Ken Kesey Rages Again," Alan Reder, New Age Journal, November-December 1992.

"Ken Kesey Weaves His Magic Spell, Turns Graduate Students of Creative Writing at U. of Oregon Into Published Novelists," Liz McMillen, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 17, 1990. (Includes short excerpt from Caverns.)

"Ken Kesey's Latest Trip," Ed McClanahan, Esquire, February 1991.

"Ken Kesey's Search for the American Frontier," Peter O. Whitmer, Saturday Review, May/June '83.

"Kesey on Literature," New York Times, May 15,m 1979.

"Kesey Wins Kirsch Award at 12th L.A. Times Prizegiving," Publishers Weekly, November 22, 1991.

"Key-Z Does It," John Walker, Video, November 1992.

"Novelist Ken Kesey Has Flown the 'Cuckoo's Nest' and Given Up Tripping for Farming," John Riley, People Weekly, March 22, 1976.

"One Man Gathers What Another Man Spills," Ken Babbs, American Health, March 1988.

"Political Theorist and Demiurge: The Rise and Fall of Ken Kesey," Elliot M. Zaskin, Centennial Review, Spring 1973.

"Psychedelic Voice From a California Prison," Lucile Vaughan Payne, Old Oregon, November-December 1967.

"Re: Ken Kesey's Psychedelic Van," Larry Nelson, a personal account of a ride in Further taken off the Internet.

"Return of the Rebel," Marc Cooper, MacLean's, November 3, 1986.

"SHAZAM and the Neon Renaissance," Gus Balisdell, Author & Journalist, June 1963.

"The Coffin," George Walker, CoEvolution Quarterly, Summer '84.

"The Jugs Take Their Basketball Seriously, But the Entire Show Is Just One Big Picnic," Neil Cawood, Eugene Register-Guard, February 21, 1971.

"The Unkind Might Say Ken Kesey's Writing Class was a Cuckoo's Nest - But, Hey, They Wrote a Novel," People Weekly, June 27, 1988.

"Tim Leary or Bomb for Buddha," Bob Greenfield, Rolling Stone, December 10, 1972.

"Tools for Warriors: The Losers are the Ones Who Influence History," Thomas P. Healy, Branches, January-February 1995.

"With Kesey and Snyder at the Festival," Richard Hale, Northwest Passage, June 22, 1970.

Wire Service Articles:

"Novelist angers audience," Kesey speaks at his high school and angers some students and faculty with his comments. Clipped from Terre Haute (Ind.) Tribune- Star.
Short clipping in which Kesey advises students that the odds of them becoming successful writers are longer than those of becoming a professional athlete. Clipped from Newsmakers section of the Rolla (Mo.) Daily News.

Short clipping in which Kesey advises teachers to teach Shakespeare instead of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He says they choose Cuckoo's Nest because it is easy. Clipped from Newsmakers section of the Rolla (Mo.) Daily News.

III. Literary Criticism/Biography

Books or chapters in books or books with chapters about Ken Kesey:
Aquarius Revisited: Seven Who Created the Sixties Counterculture, Peter O. Whitmer, MacMillan, 1987.
A Casebook on Ken Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, George J. Searles (ed.), University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Beyond the Wasteland,: A Study of the American Novel in the Nineteen-Sixties, Raymond M. Olderman, Yale University Press, 1972.

Classic Cult Fiction: A Companion to Popular Cult Literature, Thomas R. Wissen, Greenwood Press, 1992.

"Edge City" in City of Words: American Fiction 1957-70, Tony Tanner, Harper & Row, 1971.

"Further With Ken Kesey and Bob Dylan in the Grunge Belt," a chapter in The Majic Bus: An American Odyssey, Douglas Brinkley.

In the Singer's Temple: Prose Fictions of Barthelme, Gaines, Brautigan, Percy, Kesey, and Kosinski, Jack Hicks, University of North Carolina Press, 1989.

Jack Kerouac, Prophet of the New Romanticism: A Critical Study of the Published Works of Kerouac and a Comparison of Them to Those of J.D. Salinger, James Purdy, John Knowles, and Ken Kesey, Robert A. Hipkiss, Regents Press of Kansas, 1976.

Ken Kesey, Bruce Carnes, Boise State University, 1974.

Ken Kesey, Barry Leeds, Ungar Publishing Co., 1981.

Ken Kesey, Stephen L. Tanner, Twayne Publishers, 1983.

Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: A Critical Commentary, John Taylor Gatto, Monarch Press, 1975.

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: Rising to Heroism, Gilbert Porter, Twayne, 1989.

The Art of Grit, Gilbert Porter, University of Missouri Press, 1982.

The Contemporary American Comic Epic: The Novels of Barth, Pynchon, Gaddis, and, Elaine B. Safer, Wayne State University Press, 1988.

The Grotesque in Some American Novels of the Nineteen Sixties: Ken Kesey, Joyce Carol Oates, Sylvia Plath, Joyce Markeret Wegs, 1973.

"The Higher Sentimentality," Return of the Vanishing American, Leslie Fiedler, Stein and Day, 1968.

The Last Laugh: Form and Affirmation in the Contemporary American Novel, Ronald Wallace, University of Missouri Press, 1979.


"A Celebration of Excellence: Ken Kesey," Gordon Lish, Genesis West, 1963.
"A Defense of Ken Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest," Janet R. Sutherland, English Journal, 1972.

"A Hatred and Fear of Women," Marcia L. Falk, New York Times, December 5, 1971.

"An Introduction of Sociology through Fiction using Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Hugh F. Lena and Bruce London, Teaching Sociology, 1979.

"Attitudes About Sex in American 'High' Culture," Robert Boyers, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1968.

"Big Mama, Big Papa, and Little Sons in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Ruth Sullivan, Literature and Psychology, 1975.

"Blindfolded and Backwards: Promethean and Bemushroomed Heroism in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Catch-22," William Schopf, Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, 1972.

"Christ in the Cuckoo's Nest: Or, The Gospel According to Ken Kesey," Cithara, 1972.

"Different Approaches to Psychopathology and Symbolism in the Novel and Film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,'" Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky and Roland E. Sodowsky, Literature and Psychology, 1991.

"Hustling to Some Purpose: Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," John Wilson Foster, Western American Literature, Summer 1974.

"Ken Kesey: A Bibliography," Joseph Weixlmann, Western American Literature, 1975. Reprinted in Viking Critical Edition of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest as "Selected Bibliography," which includes some additions but omits material on Sometimes a Great Notion and Kesey's Garage Sale.

Ken Kesey and the Politics of Laughter," Nicolaus Mills, Centennial Review, Winter 1972.

"Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Irving Malin, Critique, 1962.

"Ken Kesey: The Hero in Modern Dress," John A. Barsness, Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, 1969.

"Ken Kesey's Psychopathic Savior: A Rejoiner," Robert Forrey, Modern Fiction Studies, 1975.

"Kesey and Vonnegut: Preachers of Redemption," James R. Tunnell, Christian Century, 1972.

"Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and Dante's La Vita Nuova," Peter L. Hays, The Explicator, Summer '88.

Lex and Scientia, numbers 1 and 2. A special double issue devoted to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with 14 essays on the novel and three on the play and film. Includes "Views and Reviews," an annotated bibliography devoted to One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest by Joan Bischoff. Essays include: "Flying the Cuckoo's Nest: Kesey's Narrator as Norm, John W. Hunt; "Introduction," John W. Hunt; "Bitches, Twitches, and Eunuchs: Sex Role Failure and Caricature," Leslie Horst; "From Rabbits to Men: Self-Reliance in the Cuckoo's Nest, Peter Beidler.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Comic Strip," Terry G. Sherwood, Critique, 1972.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the High Cost of Living," Terence Martin, Modern Fiction Studies, Spring 1973.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest : Rhetoric and Vision," Michael M. Boardman, Journal of Narrative Technique, 1979.

"Pastoral Convention in Virgil and Kesey" Charles Witke, Pacific Coast Philology, 1966.

"Porno-Politics" from an essay entitled "Attitudes Toward Sex in American 'High Culture,'" Robert Boyers, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, March 1968.

"Psychedelic Stimulation and the Creative Imagination: The Case of Ken Kesey," James O. Hoge, Southern Humanities Review, Fall 1972.

"Salvation Through Laughter: Ken Kesey and the Cuckoo's Nest," Stephen L. Tanner, Southwest Review, Spring 1973.

"Sanity and Responsibility: Big Chief as Narrator and Executioner," Fred Madden, Modern Fiction Studies, Summer '86.

"Tangled in the Language of the Past: Ken Kesey and Cultural Revolution," James F. Knapp, Midwest Quarterly, 1978.

"The Big Nurse as Ratchet: Sexism in Kesey's Cuckoo's Nest," Elizabeth McMahon, CEA Critic, 1975.

The Cowboy Saint and the Indian Poet: The Comic Hero in Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Carol Pearson, Studies in American Humor, 1974.

"The Disparity of Point of View in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," John Zubizaretta, Literature/Film Quarterly, '94.

"The Moving Target: Ken Kesey's Evolving Hero," Ronald Gregg Billingsley, Journal of Popular Culture, Winter 1971.

"The Novels of Ken Kesey," W.D. Sherman, Journal of American Studies, Aug. 1971.

"The RPM," Jack McComb, Viking Critical Edition of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1973.

"The Vanishing American: Identity Crisis in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," Elaine Ware, MELUS, Fall/Winter '86.

"Two Novelists of the Absurd: Heller and," Joseph J. Waldemeier, Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature, Autumn 1964.


Solzhenitsyn, Kesey, and Angelou: Three for Freedom, Beth Ryan, 1977.


"The Artistry of Ken Kesey," Ronald Gregg Billingsley, University of Oregon, 1971.
"The Fool as Mentor in Modern American Parables of Entrapment: Ken Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Joseph Heller's Catch-22, and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man," Carol Sue Pearson Havemann, Rice University, 1971.

The Image of Man in the Literary Heroes of Jean-Paul Sartre and Three American Novelists: Saul Bellow, John Barth, and Ken Kesey; A Theological Evaluation," Jesse James Thomas, 1967.

"The Saintly Hero: A Study of the Hero in Some Contemporary American Novels," Arnold Krupat, Columbia University, 1964.

IV. Reviews

"A Reader's Report," Martin Levin, New York Times Book Review, February 4, 1962.

"A Trio of Fine First Novels," Stephen L. Tanner, Commonweal, March 16, 1962.

"Briefly Noted Fiction," New Yorker, April 21, 1962.

"Caverns by O.U. Levon," Madison Smartt Bell, Village Voice Literary Supplement, February 1990.

"Demon Box," Oliver Harris, New Statesman, October 10, 1986.

"Demon Box," R.Z. Sheppard, Time, September 8, 1986.

"A Review of The Further Inquiry," Gerard Martin, on the Internet at:

"Gray Regions of the Mind," William Peden, Saturday Review, April 14, 1962.

"Last Go Round," Janet Burroway, The New York Times Book Review, July 10, 1994.

"Last Go Round," Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, New York Times (late edition), July 7, 1994.

"Life in a Loony Bin," Time, February 16, 1962.

"Lumbering," Newsweek, August 3, 1964.

"Making It With a Little Shazam," Leslie Fiedler, Book Week, August 2, 1964.

"On the Bus with Viking and Thunder's Mouth," Chris Goodrich, Publisher's Weekly, June 15, 1990.

Review of performance of ballet by Eugene Ballet Company based on Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear, Martha Ullman West, Dance magazine, July 1990.

"Review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," R.L. Sassoon, Northwest Review, Spring 1963.

"Sailor Song," Joe Chidley, MacLean's. September 7, 1992.

"Sailor Song," Rhoda Koenig, New York, August 17, 1992.

"Sailor Song," Roger Rosenblatt, The New Republic, October 26, 1992.

"Sailor Song," George Searles, The New Leader, September 7, 1992.

"Sailor Song," Donald E. Westlake, The New York Times Book Review, August 23, 1992.

"The Further Inquiry," Deirdre English, The New York Times Book Review, December 9, 1990.

"The Strength of One," Time.

"Twister," Hal Gelb, The Nation, November 21, 1994.

"War Inside the Walls, " Rose Field, New York Herald Tribune, February 25, 1962.

V. Films/Videos About Ken Kesey

Ken Kesey's American Dreams. A one-hour film about Ken Kesey with footage of the Acid Tests, the Dead playing trips music at Kesey's house in La Honda in 1966, Merry Pranksters, Jerry Tidbits, etc. Shown June 16,1987, on KQED (PBS). Produced by Joan Saffa and Steve Talbot.

VI. Published Letters to Ken Kesey

"Ken Kesey Answer" from Steve, Willamette Bridge, December 4-9, 1970.

"Letter to Ken Kesey" from Allen Ginsberg, Garage Sale.

"Letter to Ken Kesey" from Neal Cassady, The First Third. Reprinted in Garage Sale.

"Letters to Ken Kesey" from Laurence Gonzales, Bacon Death Productions, 1973. (Three of the letters are reprinted in Garage Sale).

"Letter to Kesey" from the Good Times Commune, Good Times, October 30, 1970.

VII. Poems About Ken Kesey

"First Party at Ken Kesey's With Hell's Angels," Allen Ginsberg, Planet News. Reprinted in Garage Sale.

VIII. Books/Chapters About Ken Kesey Or That Include a Kesey-Like Figure Or That Contain Information Relevant to Kesey's Work/Life
Acid Dreams,: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion, Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, Grove Press, 1985.

Captain Trips, Sandy Troy, Thunder's Mouth, 1994.

Confessions of a Raving, Unconfined Nut: Misadventures in the Counter-Culture, Paul Krassner, Simon & Schuster, 1993.

Dog Soldiers, Robert Stone, Houghton-Mifflin, 1974.

Garcia: A Signpost to New Space, Charles Reich, Rolling Stone Press, 1972.

"Grateful Dead I Have Known," Ed McClanahan, Playboy, March 1972.

Hell's Angels, A Strange and Terrible Saga, Hunter S. Thompson, Ballantine, 1967.

How a Satirical Editor Became a Yippie Conspirator in Ten Easy Years, Paul Krassner, Putnam, 1971.

On the Bus, Paul Perry and Ken Babbs, Thunder's Mouth, 1991.

Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream, Jay Stevens, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.

One More Saturday Night: Reflections With the Grateful Dead, Dead Family, and Dead heads, Sandy Troy, St. Martin's Press, 1991 (In addition to narrative, this book contains an excellent interview with Mountain Girl concerning the acid tests.).

Summer of Love: Haight-Ashbury at its Highest, Gene Anthony, Celestial Arts, 1980.

Summer of Love: The Inside Story of LSD, Rock & Roll, Free Love and High Times in the Wild West, Joel Selvin, Dutton, 1994.

The Dead Book, Hank Harrison, Link Books, 1973.

The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe, Farrar, Straus, 1968.

The Grateful Dead Family Album, Jerilyn Lee Brandelius, Warner Books, 1989.

The Haight-Ashbury: A History, Charles Perry, Random House, 1984.

The Holy Goof, William Plummer, Prentice-Hall, 1981.

"The Perry Lane Papers," Vic Lovell, The Free You, October 1968.

"Timothy Leary," Rolling Stone, Nov. 5-December 10, 1987. Interview in 20th anniversary issue in which Leary discusses Kesey.

"Who Was Cowboy Neal?," Goin' Down the Road: A Grateful Dead Traveling Companion, Steve Silberman, Crown, 1992.

Wisdom's Maw, Todd Brendan Fahey. Unpublished novel. Excerpts have appeared in the April 1993 issue of Utah Holiday and are available on the Internet at

IX. Catalogues

Key-Z Productions, 755 Polk Street, Eugene, OR 97402. Phone: (503) 484-4315.

X. Miscellaneous

"Declaration of Independence for Dr. Timothy Leary, July 4, 1971," model statement in defense of the philosopher's personal freedom, proposed by San Francisco Bay Area Prose Poets' Phalanx, Hermes Free Press, 1971.

"Ken Kesey: File of Clippings and Miscellany," portfolio in the Michigan State University Library.

XI. Help (What Are These Things?)

Found this notice in Taugher Books page on the web: 435. Kesey, Ken, Further Inquiry, NY: Viking 1990 Very fine, signed. Includes laid-in Herb Caen column about Kesey's bus. $50

Found this listing in Michigan State University's library: Totally Corrupt," sound recordings, Dial-A-Poem Poets, Giorno Poetry Systems Records, 1976.

Also, I know of but can't find an interview with Tom Wolfe in a mid to late 1970s issue of Writer's Digest in which he talks about Kesey. What sticks in my mind about the interview is Wolfe talking about Kesey contemplating writing a book about a factory in which everybody died of silicosis and wanting to get a job there so he could experience what it was like!

Contributed by Martin Blank = This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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