Chris Hodge

Chris Hodge
(Bruce Spizer)



     Chris Hodge was 22 years old and living in London when he submitted a demo of his song about UFOs, We’re On Our Way, to Apple in early 1972. Ringo liked the song and arranged for Hodge to sign with the label and re-record the song for release as a single. We’re On Our Way was paired with Supersoul and released as Apple 1850 on May 3, 1970. The record charted at number 44 on the Billboard Hot 100. His followup single, Goodbye Sweet Lorraine b/w Contact Love, was issued as Apple 1858 on January 22, 1973. It did not chart. On December 22, 1973, Hodge’s 24th birthday, he received a letter from Apple informing him that the company was winding down and releasing him from his contract.

      The Beatles Solo On Apple - by Bruce Spizer

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